This Article is Written By JIMBO!!
Since the Democratic primaries began, the probability has seemed immense that no fair tally of voters would return Bush to office, polls and pundits notwithstanding. I’ve been saying and writing that for nearly a year. Short of a coup or some similar master-stroke of ‘playing both ends against the middle,’ “anybody-but-Bush” would win out on November 2. In all likelihood, in other words, John Kerry will win the Presidency by a substantial margin.
Nonetheless, no one, to paraphrase P.T. Barnum and innumerable others, has ever gone bankrupt by overestimating the stupidity, the willfully ignorant cupidity, of the average White Christian American. Such a statement may seem like arrogant condescension, and that sort of estimate of me is in some measure apt, but all that we need do is take a gander at the dander of the remainder of the planet toward “Amerika” at the moment to see that substantial evidence exists that at least a big chunk of our nation’s populace have their heads up their butts so far that they’ve got feces mixed in with their facial hair. I recognize my own idiocy on an hourly basis, if not more frequently, so I’m certainly not going to pretend that other people are selfless angels.
I say all of this---and, the opinions of those who find me execrable to the contrary, I do have a reason or two for everything I write---because I’ve decided, finally, no turning back, that I’m going to vote for John Kerry. I knew I was likely to do so, in spite of the man’s thuggish anti-progressive and pro-corporate bona-fides, which put him at the pinnacles of power in the first place, as early as last May. Despite the analytical improbability of an honest Bush victory, all kinds of people can’t stand the thought of extracting their heads from their asses, even if their lives and the lives of those dear to them depend on it. I’m voting Democratic, therefore, in spite of the Party’s anti-democratic pedigree for lo these many years of selling out to corporate wealth. I think of it as insurance, or in Georgia, as a symbolic talisman, like knocking on wood.
This choice troubles me as a result of an oath to God that I took, in spite of agnosticism and paganist tendencies being much nearer and dearer to me than any monotheistic superstition. I’d hate to burn in hell, though I’m pretty certain it doesn’t exist, because I consciously ignored the one oath that, hypothetically, God, whom I don’t believe exists, really appreciated my making. In other words, I’m writing today to note that I’m willing to risk eternal damnation to break a holy promise I made in 1977, when Jimmy Carter demonstrated that his commitment to “Human Rights” was a laughable farce with no substance other than the rhetorical, when he threw his short little arm around the massive Anastasio Samoza’s shoulders, calling him “our good friend in Central America” and thereby giving Presidential imprimatur to one of history’s most loathesome and brutal mass murderers.
No one should take my words to mean that I detest the estimable Mr. Carter. I love me some Jimmy, just as I love me some John Kerry and John Edwards. Folks go all psycho weird on me when I say that I also love me some “W,” even though he’s a lying turdish moron who has never done one useful thing for the human condition, but I truly do empathize with the poor boy who has ended up so out of his depth and is trying to please his daddy still. I can’t bring myself to love Dick Cheney, of course, so I’m not saying I’m the Dalai Lama, or that I should get some sort of ‘walking-Jesus’ award. What I’m saying is that, in apite of recognizing that the Democratic Party is 100% fraudulent, that it has nothing to offer the working people of the United States, that it exists only to act as a false opposition to wealth and privilege that further entrenches wealth and privilege, I’m voting for John Kerry. I refuse to vote for a coup, whatever the pretensions of the Supreme Court, even if in acting against what could happen anyway I harm, in the short run, the hopes of actual independend voters for a progressive popular politics that is powerful, a hope with which I identify completely.
I remain aware, however, that Kerry is a thug and a thief and a fraud. He is part of a party which stand for a process of denuding people of voice, of potency, of hope for a future other than war and slavery. Keeping this in mind is very important, since, almost inevitably, President Kerry will end up out-Bushing “W” himself in many ways over the next few years. Nuclear weapons, war in Nigeria and Colombia, the continued orchestration of carnage throughout the Middle East, and on and on and on. “I have seen the future, brother, it is murder!” as Leonard Cohen sings.
Is that the future I want? NOT!!!! Is that future inevitable? How in hell can anyone know? The proposition strikes me as nonsensically stupid that we should just give up. I have long contended that if the cynics and the pessimists would just all kill themselves and each other, the rest of us could go about the hilariously marvelous work of creating a workable relationship among ourselves, and with the rest of the cosmos.
So much that is exciting, amazing, profoundly supportive of life, never even receives a dime of social support, nor a whisper of media attention, nor a minute of political consideration. Obviously, solar energy and organic agriculture and worker run factories and a thousand thousand other options-for-life are inimical to the interests of the families and institutions that are dominant now. They might as well not exist, for all we hear about such opportunities, the messaging that does occur a pack of lies and half-truths about such ideas being too expensive, complex, or Pollyannish for practical consideration. But nuclear power? Yeah, baby, that’s the hidden agenda of the cretins at the top, because it permits the continued predominance of their investment portfolios over the needs of people like me.
Revealing the potential for new social and practical technolgoies to transform the earth is our job now, unless we choose to consign our children and grandchildren to a future that makes Auschwitz look like Summer Camp. And voting for John Kerry is a step, ONE STEP, away from Armageddon. If we don’t follow that single step up with a renewed dedication to democracy and participation, however, we might as well not bother. The Apocalypse amounts to one thing, and it is the combination of inattention, indifference, and willful ignorance that is so fashionable now, a melange of anti-intellectualism, anti-humanism, and bottom-line worship of accumulating more stuff.
That, gentle reader, as I am wont to spout at this juncture in a quick note, “IS MY STORY, AND I’M STICKING TO IT!!!”